COMPETITION : Perfect Strike tournament brackets. Individual skills or team competitions.
CONVENIENT SIZE : 8.5" x 11". Great size for posting on walls during tournaments.
SIMPLE BRACKETS : 8 participants per sheet. 25 Sheets.
HEAVY SCORING SHEETS : Printed on thick 67 lb multi-media card paper. Great for pencil, pen, marker and most any type of writing device.
QUALITY : Made in the USA. Professionally Crafted by Perfect Strike Sports.
Perfect Strike Competition Brackets are archive quality paper wall brackets. Every Perfect Strike bracket is made in the USA. Each bracket is printed on the highest quality multi media paper. The acid free paper will stand the test of time. Great for pencil, pen, marker and most any type of writing device. Perfect Strike Brackets are score tracking systems to keep participants and visitors up to date on the progress of the competition. Every Perfect Strike Bracket is made in the USA by Perfect Strike Sports.